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1. Introduction -> New Age Society -> Fifty Years Ago

Today's New Age Society
Before 1960
Before 1960, by all appearances and practices we were a Christian nation. We were considered a Christian nation by other nations of the world. Immorality and public indecency were not permitted. Laws and courts upheld prayer and all Christian observances and practices. Public schools observed prayer and Christian principles. Holding to Christian morality was taught as good citizenship. We were, indeed, a Christian nation.

The French historian, Alexis de Tocqueville, in 1832 traveled throughout the United States to prepare a report for the French Government on prisons interviewing persons at all levels of society. He then wrote a book, Democracy in America, which remains one of the best studies of American democracy and of the relationship between liberty and religion. "He concluded that three countervailing forces--the law, voluntary associations, and religion--kept American society from degenerating into selfishness and materialism. Impressed by the universal opinion that religion was indispensable to democracy; he observed 'While the law permits the Americans to do what they please, religion prevents them from conceiving, and forbids them to commit, what is rash or unjust.'"1 He predicted in 1830's that America will cease to be great when it ceases to be good.2

Remember, George Washington believed: "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."3 James Madison described the great American adventure as a gamble, saying: "We have staked the whole future of American civilization,...upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."4 John Adams reiterated that republican government "is only to be supported by pure Religion or Austere Morals. Privat, and public virtue is the only Foundation of Republics."5 He also stressed; "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people."6 And Benjamin Franklin said it all. "He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world."7

Those who were born after 1960, have little or no concept of what a wholly Christian nation and Godly heritage we followed for the 340 years in America before they were born. The Government could not establish any particular state religion nor prohibit the free exercise of religion according to the First Amendment of the Constitution. It was founded upon these religious moral principles and supported them. Our Declaration of Independence in 1776 started with "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights."

On September 19, 1796, President George Washington said in his farewell speech: "Of all the propositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports.......Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." Indeed, the first eight presidents of the United States along with Congress gave large amounts of Federal money and even Federal land to a number of different Christian denominations so that those groups, including the Catholics, could encourage religion among the Indians. The men who wrote the first amendment saw no problem with the Federal government subsidizing religious groups.8

The first amendment guaranteed that the government would make no laws to establish a State Religion, but also actually encouraged religion by adding, "nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof. " Indeed, early America public education was established to teach children to read the Bible.9 And for 300 years daily prayers and the Christian Bible were the golden norm of our school systems throughout America. Schools started each day with prayer and/or pledging allegiance to the Flag with hand placed over one's heart.

Our national heritage was loved. At sporting events, whole stadiums of people stood and sang the national anthem, and "God Bless America........stand beside her and guide her..........." the words of which were really a prayer to God for protection and guidance. Whole stadiums pledging allegiance to the flag, with removed hats and hands over our hearts was a sacred heart felt and solemn occasion for all. One could hardly experience such occasions without tears coming into their eyes and a national love burning within their hearts. We cherished our "America, America, sweet land of liberty......." Our flag was treated with the greatest of respect. It was ceremoniously folded with great care when lowered. Never was it even allowed to touch the ground.

Our churches were filled with rich melodies of piano or organ by the great spiritual divines of the historic church. Our hymnals expressed such spiritual truths that our hearts were filled to overflowing. Their melodies were sang from our hearts with reverence and respectful worship. Our whole beings seemed to partake of their glory as they seemed to carry us to Heaven itself. Drums and guitars were not acceptable forms of music. To clap in a church was unthinkable. Rhythm music was thought demonic and associated with witch doctors and voodoo. It was God's house. Here we worshiped our Holy and Almighty Creator and Redeemer with melody in our hearts to the Lord. Church was a sacred meeting place. We met our Holy Creator God there in humility and contrition.

Before W.W. II throughout America, all stores were closed and all unnecessary work ceased on Sundays. That was God's proclaimed day of rest for us. So, also, it was strictly observed throughout the land. All stores and places of commerce were closed on Sundays. This was our life for only 184 years (1776-1960), till our country turned evil in 1960's. 

Before this time, almost no one locked their doors or had to worry about being attacked on the streets, whether night or day, regardless of where they were. A man's private property was held sacred, and trespassers were in danger of legally forfeiting their lives if killed by the property owner. All conduct was based on a personal moral code of honor which made contracts in small jobs unnecessary. A man's handshake was his honor and then even few thieves would break that. A man's honor as a moral being was upheld by all as sacred.

An unwed pregnancy was considered a moral outrage and the pregnant mother to be hidden from sight. Rape was unthinkable. Motherhood was held sacred and womenhood honored and respected.. Nursing mother's openly but comely breastfeed their infants on public conveyances. And men readily offered their seats to any women left standing and rushed to open the door for any women. Womenhood was held sacred and dutifully protected by men. Nudity, swearing, and bedroom sexual intimacy activities in movies or in public were highly forbidden. Homosexuality and Lesbianism were publicly unknown. Indeed, few adults even knew what the words meant.


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1. Who is God to us?
2. God's Purposes
3. Who are we to God?
4. God's Attributes
5. Priority of Attributes
6. Truth, Next Attribute
7. Highest Attribute
8. Holiness Scriptures
9. Man's Purpose
10. No Sin Permissible
11. Covenants of God
12. Christ's Laws

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B. Dear Brother
C. Cessationism
D. How to be Saved
E. Let us Reason
F. Verbal Inerrancy
G. Knowing Scripture

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